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Salimogulları company is specialized about exclusive producis for cafes, restauranis, or indoor and outdoor fumiture products by taking into account the demand of their customers, Salimogulları has adopted ihe principle of using progressive-design and applying innovative craft technigues while producing restaurant and hotel industry goods.

İt is an innovative brand that offers to customize ihe producis for their custom- ers Salimogulları's production policy deals ihe Ieguesis of customers, which are about the materials , sizes, colors and finishes of the goods. On the other hand, Salimogulları allows their customers to develop their tumiture consultancy with the aesthetic preterences of ihe customers and architeci's designs and produces in line wih special coordinated collaborations.

İt is natural that all personalized designs are produced in accordance with the company's guality and sustainability policy standards. Ihe capacity to produce according to al projects and the fast delivery time are one of ihe sirongesi features of Salimogulları .

Salimogulları fumiture company aims to develop itself more and make its name known in the World with its inmovative and changeable vision.